edmunds cocktails

this pre-mixed cocktail company has taken the market by storm. here’s how we helped edmunds cocktails reach the right people.

This ambitious and innovative brand has its roots in the wilds of Suffolk and was proudly created by brothers Tom and Paul.

the challenge.

What comes with mid-weight brands founded in innovation is energy and Edmunds was no exception. Their photography demanded the same - a creative approach which kept pace with a constantly evolving visual direction.

Edmunds’ diverse range of drinks and stockists meant we needed to make work which could be applied across an array of materials from direct campaigns, awareness and press right through to trade support. Working with their talented brand team, we had to produce photography which met that demand and nestled the supremely-made drinks in the context of the audience.

Everything needed to feel organic too, bringing-in the playful-but-cool nature of the Edmunds brand and making it feel accessible. We had to be ambitious too and use a visual approach that put them amongst bigger players in the pre-made cocktail ecosystem.


All great shoots start with the right team and our ongoing work with Edmunds means we get to bring together their talented people with ours, ensuring we have the best team on set to make the good stuff.

We’ve made work for Edmunds for years and great work has been produced through:-

  • Working seamlessly with Art Directors to align our visions and set clearly define what we’re setting-out to achieve

  • Setting the tone on set to keep things playful and organic, creating and finding those moments which work (and experimenting with those that work even when we didn’t expect them to)

  • Ensuring we know what we need to capture then building around that to ensure we have the right mediums, and giving ourselves room to play

  • Knowing the importance of evergreen content that serves as ancillary shots across Edmunds’ activities

  • Putting Production in place and managing the shoot process from start to finish, ensuring everything and everyone is in place and working with the same approach. We can also manage locations and cast as well as keeping everyone safe on set

Services Used.

Photography / Production

The Impact.

100% alignment across evolution of brand over 3 years • Coherent range of images across multiple applications • 100% Shot List capture Zero instances of shoot overrun • Publication in BBC Good Food, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Woman & Home, Closer Magazine, The Gentlemans Journal and Metro • Over 2 million cocktails sold since working together

“The team were a joy to work with. They really understand the kind of shots that work well for brands like us and absolutely nailed our brief. As we’ve continued working with them we’ve seen the work evolve alongside us and represent us as we grow.”

Oliver Shilling, Edmunds Cocktails

ready to see how we can help?

