We connect creative direction with production to make great work.
someone needs to be steering the ship. we’re creatives that know how to plan and know how to manage things on set.
We’ve been directing shoots and providing creative production on shoots for years. Maybe it’s our backgrounds in brand and marketing agencies, but we know how important leading the message on a shoot is. Whether you need help with the first ideas or need the execution, we’ve got you.
art direction
Every shoot needs creative direction and we’re used to working with all the different forms that comes in. Sometimes our clients have capabilities in their teams or we’re working with an agency or partner that leads but more often than not, we lead on Art Direction.
We provide Art Direction as a standalone service or as part of our full service photography, leading on the planning and on-site creative direction.
We know you need a big idea that pulls everything together and we create this after taking the time to absolutely understand where you are and where you'd like to be. Our concepts are bound to the people you want to engage with and how the work will be applied. Strong ideas that fit implementation. Simple.
At the critical stage of Pre-Production, our Art Director will be a fundamental part of the planning process - making sure everyone is on the same page and that all the elements of the shoot are helping to build the creative solution. We'll make Shoot Plans, get along to Pre-Production meetings and Recces, and provide guidance to Stylists and Production.
We'll be there to help direct photography and videography, style scenes and empower the talent on set to get things done. We lead shoots using our years of experience and our audience-focused approach.
The creative process exists throughout the life of the shoot, that's why we're on hand during the Post-Production stage to ensure the final media fits the brief and does what we set out to do.
We have some of the best Food & Drink Stylists and Set Stylists in the country in our network and we’re proud to get people on set that we know will deliver.
Planning, Prop and Wardrobe Sourcing, scene setting and glassware are all available and best paired when we run production for you.